Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Sharing the Gospel

Woo! Going for my third post today!

Anyways, I saw this post on Proverbs 31 Teen and wanted to reblog it, but I don't know how, so I'm just sharing the link. :)

Sharing the gospel is that second part of my Goals in Life: Knowing God more and making Him known. It's what God wants us to do, so why are we so shy about it? Why don't we get out there and shout at the top of our lungs, "Jesus died for your sins and then rose again to give you eternal life. All you have to do is believe and place your trust in Him!" I get it. I'm shy, and sometimes talking to someone who might be a complete stranger is scary. I worry- and this is even with people I know- if I'll say the right thing in the right way. But all we need to do is trust God to give us the right words and follow where He leads us, without chickening out. So let's get out there and do it!

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